Sunday, October 2, 2011

Heart Palpitations Cure?

396545385 Has anyone had any luck getting rid of their heart palpitations? Or at least helping to lessen their frequency?


  1. McGee - Palpitations are basically the heart sputtering to maintain a steady flow when you don't drink enough water - much the same way a pump will sputter when a connected hose isn't full of water.

    This is caused by dehydration. Increasing your water and salt intake will correct the problem. Click below to learn how to use water and salt properly.


    LOL - - - it looks we have a few medical "experts" who like taking medications. If you can offer a better explanation, do so.

  2. mr.answerman - Palpitations can be caused by many things, but stress is a well known trigger. If you are under a lot of life stress, try to calm down. If you don't get enough exercise, try taking some walks and see if this helps. Make sure you eat a good balanced diet. If they persist then it might be time to go see a cardiologist for an evaluation.

  3. nunya - Stress and to much Red Bull and/caffeine caused me to have heart palpitations. When I graduated college, stopped all the caffeine and eliminated stress, my heart palpitations went away.
