I have been looking online constantly and I am certain that I have a brain tumour. These are my symptoms;
Headache every day all day, hurts most over right eyebrow, gets worse when I bend over or move my head quickly.
Black dots and floaters in my eyes in daylight.
Tingling left hand, left side of face and left foot (the sole of my foot)
Loss of appetite.
Occasional dizziness.
I'm almost scared to leave the house.
I sigh a lot and feel like I can't breathe properly.
Tingling between my legs.
TIngling / itchy left breast.
'Twitching' more often than usual.
I always feel like my mind is constantly going, like I am going mad.
A crackling sound, like bubbles popping in my ear when I hear loud noises or on the telephone.
My left ear hurts.
I'm certain that I have a brain tumour. I think about it constantly and I am convinced that I have one. I am 23. I have stopped going out as much, I haven't been out since it started.
Do you think that this is a brain tumour? I think that I am going to die soon.
Please help me.
I've had a blood test which came back ok, I've been to the optiction who said everything looked normal and my CT scan is on the 31st October.
Higgs Boson - go to the bloody doctor! (try condensing your post, more people will read it)
ReplyDeleteHu - Sorry to hear. All I can advise is see your doctor
ReplyDeletemandy - Had all these symptoms , i thought i had brain tumour, ms etc my worrying made me sick for months, my anxiety cause all the symptoms to be ten times worse and created new ones.
ReplyDeleteI was ur age, please stop worrying right now. It wasted months of my life.