Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Blood Test Indicated High Levels Of Cpk Scared To Death?

396545385 i am 19 yers old so i got a phone call from my family docter about some blood test i took due to dizzyness fatigue loss of appetite no energy they dd blood test on me and when they called they said eveything was normal except my cpk levels they were elevated they were 627 so i went into a panic i went to the Er freaking out whe i got there i had an elevated heart rate and high blood pressure so they thought i had cardiac problems so they admitted me they ran blood test urine test ran ivs in me and did a echogram on my heart to rule out cardiac problems and it came normal and just fine so they sent me home but on the blood test the cpk levels where 400 so they dropped from 627 but i am still extremely worried what it could be i have an anxiety disorder so i constantly worry about my heath but im scared


  1. aziz - since there are many conditions with increase in cpk, in your case it cannot be heart.

  2. ckm1956 - I hope you're getting help for your anxiety.

    You've asked this question over and over and gotten the same answer "it's not your heart."
    Since you're still worried, how about sitting down with your doctor, s person you KNOW is qualified.

    Asking on here won't get you much help. SEE YOUR DOCTOR.
