Saturday, October 1, 2011

Anxiety Or Heart Attack?

396545385 I have bad anxiety and I always think something is wrong with my health. I now think something is wrong with my heart, I'm sixteen year old female , overweight. I had a panic attack a few months ago and they did a EKG and everything was fine I got blood work done and everything was good. But now everytime I get stressed I start to have chest discomfort and burping no other symptoms just that and after I feel very sore and I don't know if this is a heart attack coming and going like it's building up to the real thing or if it's my anxiety? I did some exercising a couple days ago walking and jogging more than I have in a long time an my chest started to feel funny after I'm sore on the left side of my chest and my blood pressure stays really good and my pulse does too


  1. Bobby's Girl - Its anxiety not a heart attack.
    If it was a heart attack you would be in the hospital.

  2. Neel S - oh girl u r worring so much....i saw 3 differnt version of ur question....u have nothing relatd to heart....u r absolutly fine....take care!!

  3. Diell - Only a doctor, preferably a heart specialist, can tell you the answer to your question.
