Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How Much Exercise Should I Do? ?

396545382 I am a 14 year old girl who wants to get fit. I want to lose wieght and conertrate around my abs mainly. I can't join the gym, because i am too young and it's too expensive. What different types o exercises can I do around the house? Thanks for your help!


  1. Ellie - You could get a gym ball and use it for a variety of exercises? Also, just fast walking or jogging will be the best thing for all over weight loss and thats free!

  2. kitty - Do crunches, jumping jacks, planks, and cardio to burn fat such as running walking or biking

  3. Abbi - your supposed to do about an hour a day of exersise. you can try doing yoga along with a video, using a treadmill or stair climer if you have one ( or you can even just run around the block outside and up the stairs if you ddon'thave one) if your trying to work on your abs ssit upsand crunches are a good idea, you can also do jumping jacks, lift weights,or use an excersise ball. theres alot of things you can do. hope this helps and good luck :)

  4. Kath - if you have exercise equiptment at home you should use that otherwise its probably better you go for a 30 minute jog everyday and you'll lose weight even faster if you cut out junk food from your diet e.g. sugars, refined carbs, processed foods and dairy
