Monday, October 24, 2011

Am I Under Weight??? (read Description)?

396545382 I am 17, turning 18 next year. I weigh 65 kilos. And am average height. Am I under or over weight?
I am a male by the way.


  1. Soggy - I'll give you: average weight, perhaps slightly slim but still healthy.
    This is given that I don't know you height or gender...

  2. Yami - You have an average weight

  3. ? - If your height is normal I think youre helathy and not fat, but slim, you can easily calculate your bmi ( number that tells you how healthy your weight is ) here :

  4. Maria - I think if you want to know what is status of your health and being over weight. This is the good technique.

  5. We're all mad here. - You can't just say your "average weight" average could mean any height you have to be more specific .

  6. me, myself and I - if i had to guess your height (1.70-1.80m) id say you are normal.
