Friday, October 14, 2011

Will I Likely Need To Get Teeth Removed When I Get Braces?

396545381 Ive seen many places online mention teeth being removed when somebody is getting braces, and that its mostly adults that get teeth removed for braces, as your jaw stops expanding, and as im 20 im wondering if I will end up needing to get teeth removed when I get braces as I have most of my teeth with no noticeable gaps on my bottom row of teeth (and two gaps on top, one from losing a tooth falling on my face, and the other from getting a badly infected tooth removed). The main reason I would get braces is to fix my overbite, not to mention some teeth have moved from losing a tooth when I fell on my face.


  1. Hiran - I had one tooth removed because I got a 3rd adult canine tooth so I got the old one taken out

  2. LivingDeadGirl - I got my braces when I was 18. I did get two teeth pulled, my top bocupsids prior to getting my braces installed. You will probably be in a similar situation with your overbite. Some people get two bottom and two top teeth pulled as well. Goodluck and having teeth pulled does not hurt!
