Saturday, October 8, 2011

When Someone Has A Stroke Or A Heart Attack, What Should You Do?

396545385 I mean after you call the ambulance & tell them, like what should you do to try & keep them alive while waiting for the ambulance to come?


  1. Lorelei C - Give them an aspirin. It can make a stroke or a heart attack less severe.

  2. Mary Kontrarry - Whatever the 911 operator tells you to do

  3. Contessa Lilith - If you also happen to be stranded on a desolate island, you should beat him/her with a stick and then proceed to ingest their nutritious flesh.

  4. McGee - For a stroke victim, get them to drink 32 oz of orange juice followed by plenty of water and salt as quickly as you can get them to drink it.

    For a heart attack, if they're conscious, get them to start coughing as hard as they can. This may correct the rhythm of the heartbeat. If unconscious, start CPR by alternating breathing into his mouth and using both hands to pump the center of his chest.

    In both cases, make sure 911 has been called.
