Saturday, October 8, 2011

What Speeds Your Heart Up More?

396545385 Cocaine or ecstasy? I know that both increase your heart rate, but I was wondering if the chemicals in either make your heart work faster.

annnd I know they're both bad for you.


  1. Matthew - Any kind of activety or being excited

  2. Max Gomez - I wouldn't do it again but ecstasy will make u stay awake longer and keep blood pumping

    That much blood flow could cause your heart to stop, so be cautious in how much you take

  3. Amanda Questions - depends on the type of cocaine and type of extacy.

    in general cocaine is supposed to do that more than extacy.

    BUT cocaine is normally mixed with many other things. Pure cocaine is more heart pumping than extacy although there is no such thing as pure cocaine.. it is always mixed.

    extacy in general is a drug made up of different types of drugs to make up the different effect it has on your brain... and most often heroine is included. Heroine is a drug that makes you relaxed.

    both can be fatal for your heart on different levels.

  4. shaynak112 - Cocaine makes your heart work a LOT faster than ecstasy. Ecstasy is like ... not that much ... like maybe a couple cups of coffee. Cocaine on the other hand ... way more than that!!!
