Saturday, October 22, 2011

What Kind Of Doctor Would You Go To Check For High Blood Pressure And Diabetes?

396545384 Where would you go to have consultation for high blood pressure and diabetes? I know that endocrinologists are specialized in diseases such as diabetes but would they be specialized in high blood pressure too? Could you just go to a normal physician to get it checked for?


  1. TedEx - You primary care physician (family doctor) sees these things every day and knows how to handle them.
    No need to see a specialist.

  2. Dennis - Family doctor is the person to go to, if there are underlying problems with either issue that can't be fixed by conventional therapy (assuming something is wrong), then that's when you would be referred to a specialist

  3. Kai - Just go to your regular "family" or primary care doctor. My doctor ALWAYS takes my blood pressure (those balloon things they wrap around your arm and then fill with air until it hurt, then they listen to your pulse through a stethescope as they let the air slowly out). The nurse tests it and then when I finally get in alone with my doc she tests it again. And my regular doctor gives me the form I need for the blood test place to take my blood--on the form my doc checks off all the things she wants my blood tested for and that will determine how much blood needs to be drawn (it's never all that much). By the time I get to the endocrinologist, all the tests have been run and the results are in so we can get down to the real business of what can be done to help me.
