Friday, October 7, 2011

What Causes Kidney Failure ?

396545384 Just wondering bc I have kidney diseases


  1. Paul Bourget - Epic Meal Time

    ... Youtube it.

  2. jessica - eating and drinking garbage foods.

  3. Tiny - Causes of nephropathy (kidney disease) include: administration of analgesics(Tylenol-Motrin etc.), xanthine oxidase deficiency, and long-term exposure to lead or its salts. Chronic conditions that can produce nephropathy include systemic lupus erythematosus, diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure (hypertension), which lead to diabetic nephropathy and hypertensive nephropathy, respectively.

  4. Doctor Burns - drugs, toxins, junk food, not enough water.

    I think my grandma is dying because when she had heart problems, she went to the doctor and doctors gave her drugs, and now they have reported that she has kidney failure. I don't know what to do now, now that she is in captivity and I am not able to feed her fruits and vegetables.

    I don't believe in drugs. Drugs don't heal you, they intoxicate you.

  5. syl c. - Diabetes Mellitus is one of the most common causes of kidney disease and failure. It is caused when the pancreatic gland is unable to produce enough insulin, which makes blood sugar levels difficult for the body to regulate.

    High blood pressure, also called hypertension. High blood pressure means that the pressure in your veins is above its normal rate. \

    Arteries in your body can become hardened for various reasons, but the most common cause is a result of fat build up that hardens into a substance called plaque. This complication poses a serious threat to the entire body, including the kidneys.

    High amounts of blood loss are known to cause sudden kidney failure. This is because the kidneys need a healthy supply of blood flowing to them at all times.

    Another cause of kidney failure is a result of either poison or toxins that are consumed. For example, some medications can cause certain individuals to experience kidney failure. Because of this, it's important to know which medications you are allergic to and to understand the side effects of all your medications. Alcohol can also serve as a poison if consumed too quickly, and too much over time can cause the kidneys to gradually fail.

    Hope this helps.

  6. Abby - There are many different causes of kidney failure, as advised above. Diabetes and hypertension are leading causes but medications, toxins, autoimmune conditions, poor circulation to the kidneys, structural problems in the kidneys, infections and dehydration can all influence kidney function. Ask your doctor what is causing your kidney problems. If you have diabetes this is a common cause of renal disease.
