Monday, October 3, 2011

What Blood Type Am I Most Likely From My Parent's Blood Types?

396545384 So I cannot figure out the ABO genetic prediction chart I found online. So I thought what better place to look than here! dad is type O positive
My mom is B positive
My sister is B positive

What I am I most likely?

And for a separate question.... when I am looking up blood types is "BB" B positive? or does "BB" mean something else? What if it's B negative? Is there a B negative?
my mom thinks she is B positive.....but my dad and my sister know for sure they are B positive and O positive
sellateeat: thank you for the explanation! So are you saying that I can only be B or O? never A? now what if my mom is really O.....can I only be O? (but since my sister is B positive, my mom most likely is B too right?)

Oh! And what is the difference between B and B+? and O and O+? does that really change anything?


  1. Phoenix - BB means dominant B, but it can either be B+ or B-
    if your dad is O+ and your mother is BB, then you are definitely B+
    if your mother is BO then you have a 50% chance to be B+ and a 50% chance to be O+

  2. Evelyn - mostly everyone goes with the dad's side... so you are a O i think. what is your personality?

    A= worries about things, is shy to speak in front of people aka speeches
    B= BRAVE! doesnt really care, selfish,
    O= i dont know..
    AB= a little hyper..

  3. Brian E. - People tend to have the blood type that their parent of the same sex had. I.E a girl would most likely have the same blood type as her mother. The only sure way to know is to get tested. What I've told you isn't certain, I'm just saying what happens most of the time.

  4. sellatieeat - What you were looking at, BB, is what you would inherit from your parents. You inherit a set of genes from your mom and your dad. B+B=BB. Your dad is O. So he would only have a hemoglobin without any antigens, also referred to as ii. Your mom is type B. This can be expressed as BB or iB. So if you put the gametes on a puttnett square, your blood type possibilites are either Bi or ii which translates to type B or type O. Hope I didnt confuse you anymore.

  5. TheOrange Evil - You are carrying two alleles (genes) for the ABO blood system - one that you inherited from your mother and one that you inherited from your father.

    A and B are dominant and O is recessive. If your two alleles are A and O, then your blood type will be A. Same with B and O. Your blood type will be B. You can only have O blood type if you are carrying two O alleles. You can also be AA or BB, meaning that you inherited the same dominant allele from each parent.

    Because your father is O, we know that he's carrying two Os, and thus has passed on an O to you and your sister. Your mother is B, but she could be carrying an O recessive because BO makes B blood type. If your mother is BO rather than BB, then there's a 50% chance you're B and a 50% chance you're O. If she's BB, then there's a 100% chance you're B.

    As for Rh- versus Rh+, this works in a similar way. Rh+ is dominant and Rh- is recessive. You can have positive blood while also carrying a recessive. Because both your parents are Rh+, we know that they're both carrying at LEAST one positive. If they're both carrying the recessive, then there's a 25% chance you're Rh-. If at least one of your parents is carrying two positives, then there's a 100% chance you're positive.

    In short, you can only be B or O and you can be Rh+ or Rh-. We don't have enough information to go on at this point. You can't be A or AB because neither one of your parents has an A to pass onto you.

    *Edit: I thought this was funny - my mother is B- and my father is O+. I'm B+.

    *Double Edit: No, your blood sugar doesn't change anything. :D Obviously, you need to know for blood transfusion or organ donation purposes. If you are B, your blood type is rarer than O. Other than that, blood type is really kind of meaningless.
