Sunday, October 16, 2011

Weight Gain From Exercise?

396545382 I started exercising again yesterday, first time in a long time, and I had lost 9lbs but overnight I gained 1lbs. Is that from the exercising.

My legs are really sore too, did a lot of squats, lunges, and cardio workout.


  1. flingebunt - This is a common problem.

    Muscle is heavier than fat so you can lose fat and gain a little muscle and end up heavier.

    Tone down your exercise to focus on burning energy (cardio) rather than muscle building activities.

    Also realise that weight does go up and down a little normally.

  2. Jimmy - Working out gives you more muscles. More muscles = more weight.

  3. GreyHawk - First off. Muscle weighs more than fat. So, if you burn off fat, and increase muscle mass, you will increase in total weight for a period of time. However, overall size will trim and define.

    On a second note, the body can change by 5lbs day to day based on food consumed and water ingestion/retention.

    Yes, once you start working out hard, you should expect to see some weight gain as your muscle density increases, but any gains of 1-5lbs should be dismissed based on daily variances.

  4. School_IT_Technician - Your weight can vary by as much as 2lb during a typical day depending on when yoou eat, go to the bathroom, sweat...

    Ttry to weigh yourself at the same time of day every time... and wearing similar clothing each time. Build up a picture of your weight over a period. I weigh myself as soon as I get up in my underwear.

    One measurement on one day means nothing. The weight could be anything... its' so small!
