Thursday, October 6, 2011

Unplanned Pregnancy And Type 1 Diabetes?

396545384 Is it possible to have a healthy pregnancy if you are a type 1 diabetic and were not planning on getting pregnant?


  1. Cara - You should be fine, diabetes won't harm you or the baby.

  2. Human - DEFINITELY. Type 1 diabetics are human beings too. May even be sensitive and smarter than many. I hope you are young, eating right, non-smoker and are looking after your diabetes.

  3. Tabea - All diabetic pregnancies are high risk and ideally should be planned.

    But there's no reason why an unplanned one should go wrong, just as long as the following are adhered to:

    - excellent blood sugar control, as high blood sugars are bad for both mother and baby
    - need to be on a mega dose of folic acid, which is 12.5 times the dose for a non-diabetic mother
    - regular contact with diabetes team
    - adjustment of other meds taken, if any
    - extra scans

  4. Sarah Khan - Its highly recommended to have a planned pregnancy in such a case, but not impossible, be sure though to get an early hospital booking, get off any oral diabetic drugs and start insulin, and regularly check weight and blood pressure throughout pregnancy,

    check out the link below for more info, hope this helps.
