Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Should I Take A Break?

396545382 I do 100 sit-ups a day, 50 when I wake up and 50 before I go to bed. The first few days was fine then my gut really started hurting after the like 5 first sit-ups. Am I doing too many? Do I just need to take a break?


  1. Night Wolf - Yes , you should.

  2. Bleh! XD - You are not supposed to work on the same muscle group everyday. Especially not when you start feeling sore. You can hurt yourself, so yes, take a break...

  3. ♥Laybacks♥ - Whenever training for strength, you're suppose to let your body rest. Strength training should be done three or four times a week (every other day), not every day. Doing it every day and targeting the same area will make you hurt, like right now. Your body needs to rest up to build up the muscle. By doing your schedule, you're going quit soon, because you hurt so bad. Try every other day. Good luck (:

  4. jmvane15 - Working the same muscle group every day can have negative effects. I would say incorporate other exercises into your daily routine such as push ups or some weight exercises. Yes I would say to take a break from the sit ups.

  5. dallas - do crunches every other day. Do no more than 30. Try using a weight with your situps. Don't take a break too long. A small break (like a week) is ok.

  6. Dave Big - When doing any sort of exercise you need to give your body a break to recover. When you exercise anybody part you are effectively breaking down the muscle. Then you need to give the muscle time to recover and regrow, and it is in this stage that it regrows bigger and stronger allowing you to push yourself harder in future training sessions. Most muscle should only really be worked once to twice a week. But abs are unique in the fact that they respond better to more training. I would still only train them perhaps three to four times a week though in order to give them a chance to recover fully between workouts. Make sure you give your body the right nutrition in order to help with the recovery too.

  7. Top Source - If there's any pain, refrain, use your brain.

    And look into weighted crunches.

    Using only you bod wt & high reps is a formula for endurance.

    I dont see why endurance be needed in rectus abdominus, aka 6pk muscle.


    Edit: and rectus abdominus doesnt attach to the legs, so any leg exercise cant target it.

    The motor [movement] function of ra is to flex and rotate the trunk. Crunches are flexing.

  8. Qwerty - no u dont need to take a break. i do 200 leg raises, 200 situps and 50 pushups and 50 pullups/chinups everyday and more. it will hurt in the beginning but after it will seem so easy and ull be in good physical condition. just work hard. work thro the pain.

  9. gill - nah just do smaller sets and its good that its sore it means its working and after it stops hurting do more
