Monday, October 31, 2011

Pain That Seems To Be In The Heart Or Near It? Please Help?

396545385 I am a 16 year old girl. I have had this pain in my heart or right below it. It comes and goes but when it comes i can't breathe because there is a sharp pain in the heart and in between my shoulder blades. Another thing that happens occasionally is that my heart will randomly beat rapidly for a few seconds then it will instantly slow down, not at all gradual. Can you please give me an idea as to what can be going on?


  1. otter - Instead of me, someone with no medical experience, answering, you should go see a doctor..... there's definitely something wrong here.

  2. Mangal B - Sorry to hear all this from a girl of a tender age. But it is, I am afraid, not a proper forum to advise you without your medical check up. I would advise you to get yourself medically checked without wasting time here and there. Then follow the advice of the medical professional(s).
