Saturday, October 8, 2011

Is Squats A Good Leg Exercise?

396545382 Well, is it?


  1. Kaviani999 - Yes, quite good. Lunges are better, though, especially lunge walking.

  2. H - Squats and deadlifts. Squats will target the glutes and quads, deadlifts will target the hamstring and lower back, as well as grip strength

  3. Passion for Fitness aka Fitnessadventures2112 - Sure are :) Along with

    Walking lunges
    Stationary lunge
    Dead lifts
    Plie squats
    Step ups on a bench
    Reverse lunge

  4. ToxicP125 - First poster is right, squats & lunges are the best. Where I might disagree is believing lunges are better. Squats allow the use of heavier weights, which means your stabilizer muscles & core all get a better work-out.

    The only reason I'd switch to lunges is if I had an imbalance in the legs & even than I'd think very carefully about it. Contrary to popular belief, squats are SAFER than lunges for anyone who uses weights when doing these exercises.
