Thursday, October 13, 2011

Is Greek Yogurt Good For Dieting?

396545382 I have like a cup a day as my carb with a little peanut butter, for good fats!

(I've cut out all white carbohydrates so I don't eat bread, rice, pasta or sugar:D I also try to limit dairy and only eat a string cheese a day) other than that I eat a lot of egg whites, vegetables, berries and chicken!


  1. Destiny - Greek yogurt is most likely the health way to go and is also great in protein shakes!!!

  2. *Blush* - You're on the right track! Greek yogurt is fine, just keep in mind it probably has more sugar than other yogurts. Once a day is ok though. Also, yogurt isn't a carb? It's a
    If you are cutting out processed carbs, don't forget to replace it with healthy alternatives like brown or wild rice, quinoa or steel cut oats.
    Keep in mind too that cheese strings are overly processed. If that is your daily treat, it's ok, but don't think of it as a healthy choice :)
    Make sure to eat eggs as a whole too. The yolk is where all the protein and nutrients are! The whites offer very little

  3. braveheart_10010 - Hello again cat ;) it depends some Greek yogurt especially flavored is loaded with as much sugar as ice cream. Plain unsweetened Greek yogurt is good, but read the labels to make sure.
