Sunday, October 2, 2011

Intravenous Sedation And General Anesthesia For Wisdom Teeth?

396545381 im getting wisdom teeth taken out soon and i want to know what is it like when you have intravenous sedation and general anesthesia. the dentist said i really won't know whats going on but i find it hard to believe that so anyone who has had their wisdom teeth out this way please tell me what it is like.
the sergen said i woun't be competly out


  1. Diane A - Nope you walk in & the next thing you do is wake up in the recovery area.

  2. Krissy - I walked back and laid on the table then I woke up in the recovery room. When you wake up, you will feel sort of funny as if you are light headed and floating but that should pass after awhile. It will also make you loopy so you might cry or be extremely excited, mad, or happy but it should stop by the time you get home. My sister was extremely happy and kept saying the stupidest stuff, my brother talked nonstop, and I burst into tears at one point.

  3. insane in the membrane - Yes it's a different feeling for sure.
    You get the IV in your hand...people are talking to won't
    really understand much but you might remember once you wake
    up. The GA/IV dude/dudet will inject the IV and you'll feel a tingling
    go up your hand and then you're out.

    Most people aren't drunken or sick after GA. They wake up in the
    recovery room (like I did) sometimes fall back asleep again (like I
    did) and then once the nurses see you're fully capable of staying
    awake, you're taken back to the waiting room (usually in your bed
    like I was.)

    I felt really fine after and I remembered everything right until I passed
    out. I actually even remembered crying for no reason...maybe when
    I was getting wheeled to the recovery room but I didn't fully open
    my was odd.

    This was for my wisdom teeth too. The GA and IV is WAYYY better
    than going in a chair and being awake for this. It was like a short
    nap and I felt really great after.

    Good luck if this is what you're getting !
