Saturday, October 15, 2011

I Want To Gain Muscle Mass?

396545382 I don't know how I don't worry about cardio because I do mma(I have been in it for 1 month)I weigh 160 5ft 7.5 inches
I don't eat healthy I'm kinda a picky eater
I can go to the gym 24/7
What kinda shakes should I take before or after
I can't bench that much the most I have tried is 2 plates of 25 and I kinda struggled but I had already been doing sets of push ups
I can squat 30 in each side
I'm not strong so what other machines are there to feel more comfortable
What shakes or protein shake should I take and can I take it before or after the workout
And can I take it also when I do mma


  1. Frank - Eat something with protein. That's all you need.

    When you lift weights until your muscles fail, they grow bigger. You need to supply enough protein for your muscles to grow, but eating more protein than that won't make your muscles grow any bigger.

    You'll get more than enough protein from a peice of chicken or a serving of beans.

  2. John - You sorry weak little bitch. This has been answered before.
