Sunday, October 9, 2011

I Dont Get Why Eating Less Than 1000 Calories A Day Is So Bad?



  1. DR + Mrs Bears face - Because it is difficult to get all the nutrients you need to stay healthy from so few calories.

  2. Rose - Your body needs energy and nutrients to get through any day, and on average, 1200-1500 daily calories is ideal.

    If you eat less than that, you'll slow down your metabolism, and suffer loss in vitamins which can cause chemical imbalance, weakened immunity system, and increased suspectibility to illness.

  3. What's cookin?? - Aside from you may not be getting enough food to provide nutrition (if you are adult size), I would guess its because it forces your body into a 'starvation' mode which makes it harder to lose weight.

  4. Connor - Because your not getting the correct amount of energy needed to get you through your day!
    If you are eating less than 1000 calories a day, then try a correct diet, healthy food, good exercise.. You will feel so much better! I promise you

  5. Nancy Kay - You may not get it, but your body does. It makes your body think that food supplies are scarce and it is in danger of starving, so instead of burning the fuel you eat, along with extra calories you work off during the day, it slows down your metabolism and stores whatever it can from your daily intake as fat, to burn off later during the sensed period of starvation.
