Sunday, October 2, 2011

I Am 69 Take Bp Med. But My Heart Rate Runs 90 To 100 What Can I Do To Lower Heart Rate With Out Meds.?



  1. sunny Hill - Well exercise and diet.

    Stop eating bad LDL cholesterol and more good HDL cholesterol like omega 3's found
    in fish but mainly salmon, also walnuts and flaxseed or even omega 3 supplements.
    Avoid all transfat, usually found in baking products butter, crackers, oily products especially fast food fried products
    Also eat plenty of fiber, maybe consider fiber supplements like metamucil...
    Reduce calorie intake....
    Drink a glass of water before a meal, this will help you feel more full, and less desire to over indulge.
    Remember to exercise, go for a walk, try to lose belly fat.
    Reduce salt intake, this is important because too much salt increases BP
    Reduce stress, find peaceful activities.
    Eat less sugar, this can help reduce the fast heart rate and the crash and burn.
    Stop drinking pop, especially considering the amount of sugar it contains.

    The best first step is to be curious and aware, look at the label on the back of a food product notice how much calories and fat it has in the ingredients too. This will help you be more aware of what it is doing to your body.

  2. McGee - At 69, it's my guess that you don't drink very much water. This is the reason for the high blood pressure. An increased heart rate is also caused by dehydration.

    People start to lose their perception of thirst at around 20 years old. By the time they're lucky enough to reach your age, their thirst is almost nonexistent. And because water is the second most important nutrient the body needs, it's important that we keep it well supplied.

    Because the perception of thirst diminishes, relying on thirst to give the body is not an accurate barometer to use. Water needs to be drank on a forced schedule as exemplified through the link below.

    If your doctor told you to stay away from salt, forget that advice. Salt doesn't cause high blood pressure. Combined with adequate water, it regulates the blood pressure.

    Click the link below and follow the instructions you'll find on the page. Take note that these were designed for the average adult (average age). If you're not used to drinking water, there are other instructions that explain how to calculate the amounts you need to do.

  3. Bon - Put your heart on the high speed to DEATH.
