Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hypoglycemia Or Border Line Diabetes? Please Help!?

396545384 Yesterday i had a seizure type episode were my hands and head started shaking uncontrollably then i felt numbness in my head..the shaking was more on the right side of my upper body. After having tea with honey i felt a little better and my husband put me in a hot shower..after 10 minutes i stopped shaking so much. This all happened in about 30 minutes..after i had calmed down with the shaking i felt a heaviness and tingly feeling in my head and i must have drank about 2 litres of water!! My aunt had diabetes type 1 and i am overweight..26 and i have pcos..also for the past few months I've been drinking and( excuse the over share) urinating alot! My abdomen is more than 31 inches wide..I've also been experiencing fainting spells when i get up too quickly recently. I have an appointment with my doctor on Friday but is there anything i should avoid doing to ensure i don't go into another seizure?
thank you so much for all your answers..hopefully when I see my doctor it'll be straightened out as to what it is I have! I did have a fainting spell earlier this evening..still conscious..but I couldn't move my body for a whole 30 minutes...felt so weak! my husband gave me a glucose tablet which helped a little..but then I started getting chest pain..after he rubbed some muscle rub on my back it relieved that pain and I was able to stand up straight and walk about 10 minutes later...could it be a mixture of low blood sugar and low blood pressure perhaps? Is there such a thing?


  1. Dan Nabis - What you described is without a doubt a small hypoglycemic attack. Keep your sugars high (within reason) until you see your doctor!

  2. wonster - Sounds like a hypoglycemic attack. Have some sugary drinks nearby (4 oz of juice or non-diet soda). Hypoglycemic attack is actually more dangerous that diabetes since you can go into shock and pass out and if discovered to late can be fatal. Call you doctor to see if you should have blood panel and an A1c test ahead of your appointment. Good luck.

  3. Noccie - Everyone is assuming hypoglycemia, but it could have been a seizure or panic attack.
    People with PCOS are at high risk for diabetes, so it may have something to do with your blood sugar, but hypoglycemia is the opposite of diabetes.
    Fainting spells that come with getting up too quickly is the definition of postural hypotension.
    Also, drinking that much water can upset your electrolytes and cause the problems that you describe.

  4. Tabea - First of all, hypoglycemia and diabetes are two completely different things. One is low blood sugar, the other is uncontrolled high blood sugar.

    Second of all, you do not actually know that you had a low blood sugar yesterday. The only way to know for sure would have been to have tested your blood sugar.

    Nevertheless, it is good to discuss all this with your doctor. Be sure to ask for a diabetes test as well. It would be good if you could go into your appointment fasting so that a fasting blood sugar can be taken on the spot.
