Sunday, October 2, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Dark Spots Came Because Of Pimples Please Advice A Natural Therapy:)?

396545389 i got pimples i pinchd them they hav become dark spots how to get rid of them please please answer


  1. kaleidoscope - i had the same thing and went through the same thing. unfortunately they take awhile to fade they cant disappear through natural remedies; you might have to undergo chemical peeling (layers of your face drying off then peeling off, including dark spots, to reveal new skin) or laser treatments. talk to a dermatologist.

    to prevent it from getting worse, stay out of the sun! you will be "tanning" those spots and they will become darker.

    mix 3 parts honey, 1 part cinnamon and apply it on your face to prevent new zits.

    dont force your zits; wait until it has completely surfaced then dried out. use a needle to lightly lightly pierce the zit then use cotton swabs to gently squeeze out remains.

    what you did forced bacteria into the skin, caused inflammation, and then left dark spots. it happened to me, but i hope these tips may help :D

  2. Hirday Prakash - Cucumrer (Kheera) juice 15 ml + Mint ( Pudeena) juice 15 ml + Tomato juice 10 ml + Holy Basil Leaves juice 5 Ml + Lemon juice 10 Ml + Glycerin 10 ml , mix & store. Apply it over the scar & spots at bed time with cotton ball , Continue till cure. You will see that scar & spots are fading with in 15 days application.
    Do not squeeze pimples or acne this acts leave dark spots on face'.
    Apply honey over your acne or pimples at bed time & wash face with water in morning it will check the popping of acne/ pimples.for 1 month.

  3. gajendrapal - Apply turmeric with home made butter on the spot of pimples ......and see the result

  4. sudhakar - usage of alovera based cream will work out.

  5. Farheen F - you can apply turmeric and lemon on the face, its an ancient home remedies ,
    regular use will definately show result.
    for more home remedies visit
