Monday, October 17, 2011

How To Get Big Calve Muscles?

396545382 I am a very athletic person and i do ballet every week and conditioning but my calve muscles dont seem to grow. anything that would make them bigger and thigh muscles? (exercises, strategies, habits?)


  1. Mina Rae - squats.&lunges. also running on incline.

  2. Leandra - my calves got muscley from 6 years of Irish dancing.. I havent done it in 5 years but they still are :) squats, lunges, cycling and walking uphill helps too

  3. poisonedflower - People are built differently. I have the opposite problem I have very large muscular calves and like you I wish for the opposite lol I'd love to have long lean legs but my calves only seem to grow with exercise. For me it must be genetic my moms calves are bigger than my thighs! Men on the street come up to her and ask her for advice on developing calves my mom doesn't even exercise and still they are strong and muscular. Dance is great for building muscular legs and if you still have thin legs even dancing regularly this might not help but it doesn't hurt to try some weight-training. I also take the stairs always regardless of how many flights, I have a short Achille's tendon which means that when I dance/run I often catch myself on my toes. Because of this though despite stretching my calves naturally hold an extraordinary amount of tension and they don't relax so they are pretty much always flexed and it can become very uncomfortable.

    This site has some innovative, challenging and fun exercises you could try these
