Saturday, October 1, 2011

How Long Can Someone Live Without Insulin And Care With Diabetes?

396545384 I had gestational diabetes so I bought a meter. We tested everyone in the family just to see what their numbers would be. This is when we saw how alarming my dads were. He was always at least at 400. He went on a low GI diet for a few days, and we thought it would be a dramatic difference. The lowest we could get him to (eating JUST right) was 325. I asked my Dr. and he said that my dad "should be dead." with those numbers. We cant get him to go to a Dr. His legs break out in open sores, as do his toes. His toe nails even fall off from it. I am guessing this can only be from the diabetes. Does anyone know if he could live years like this, or if he is in grave danger? It is scaring me, and I don't know what to do.


  1. Abby - He needs to see a doctor. He may not need insulin but sounds like he definitely needs medications. Diabetes can cause a host of problems from kidney disease, nerve damage, poor healing. It increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. No one can say how long he can live like that, really depends on how much damage is done. He needs to see a doctor.

  2. Panther4Life - It depends on the type of diabetes he may have, either type 1 or type 2. Many people have type 2 diabetes and don't know it. It is important for your dad to know that untreated diabetes can lead to heart attack, stroke, heart disease, blindness, amputation, kidney disease, poor wound healing, coma, to name several. But before all of that, make sure the test strips have not expired, that the meter is not damaged and try using control solution to determine this. If this all checks out, do whatever you can to get him to the doctor, make the appointment for him, go with him for support, etc. Hope this helps! Good luck :)

  3. RN851 - Hello Misty - sorry to tell you that your fathers condition is serious. The symptoms you are describing lead me to believe he has been diabetic for a while. Slow healing sores on his legs or feet are a cardinal sign of diabetes. He really needs to do something about this. Weight loss and increased physical activity would go a long way toward helping his health improve. Is he able to feel his feet? Does he have balance problems? How is his digestion? The fact that his toenails are falling out would suggest that he has very poor circulation in his legs and feet. If this is left untreated he could lose his feet or legs. He might possibly be able to be treated with relatively inexpensive generic drugs. Please help him see the light. He needs to see his regular doctor and a podiatrist. If he wont go for help he might need psychological assistance. Its possible he is depressed. Good Luck with this.

  4. drsachin - give him only meat and egg no bread no rice no oil only boiled meat and egg

  5. syl c. - I think your doctor was being a little dramatic as there are some persons who have glucose levels of 800 mg/dl + when they are first diagnosed and were unaware they had diabetes until they went in for a regular checkup. Even at these levels some people have no symptoms are alert and conscious with no apparent symptoms. Of course, not everyone reacts this way. Each person is different but 325 mg/dl if there are no other complications, is in no way "should be dead" but there will probably be or is organ damage from long term and consistently high glucose levels. Don't get me wrong, it is a serious condition that needs medical intervention. Your father should also be tested for high blood pressure as cardiovascular problems can lead to serious complications along with his diabetes.

    Your father needs to see his doctor and obtain glucose testing and an hAc1 test in which the doctor can track his blood glucose levels 3 months prior. Diabetics will break out in sores and have skin infections due to high blood glucose levels with nigricans acanthosis being one of the skin conditions a purple hue that affects his groin, , folds of skin. As you know, he needs to be very careful due to infections and gangrene. He most likely has poor circulation in his extremeties causing redness, itching and pimple like lesions that if scratched can become infected.

    Try to get him to his doctor, if possible, as he needs to be evaluated, as you know, and he needs to be on the diet for longer than just a few days in order to see a difference in his numbers. Talking to a dietitian, in the doctor's office, would be in his best interest as a meal plan could be set up to suit his individual needs. Also, he may need medication, such as insulin injections, in order to lower his blood glucose as well as diet and exercise. He could live a long time like this but it is not recommended due to the complications both physically, emotionally devastating consequences this disease can have on both your father and you as a family to see his health decline.

    Try to get someone he is close to such as an old family friend, sister or brother whom can help you convince him that its in his best interest. Check with your doctor for definitive medical advice. Hope this helps.

  6. Cammie - If Dad refuses to get to the doctor, call an ambulance.
    He needs medical help NOW .

  7. Tabea - Those are truly alarmingly high numbers and sound like your dad has been walking around with undiagnosed diabetes for a while. Undiagnosed diabetes can kill. You need to drag him to a doctor as soon as possible. You are absolutely right to be scared. I know older people can be stubborn but if he continues this way, he is going to end up blind, limbless and attached to a dialysis machine.

  8. Melissa Pursel - WOW his number are quite high! He needs to see a doctor ASAP to get this under control. Diet alone will not help numbers in the 400's. He will most likely need insulin to start and maybe eventually change to oral anti-diabetic medications. He needs further tests though that can only be done by a doctor. Honestly he is a ticking time bomb he could die at anytime, I am sorry to say this but it is the truth. He needs to see a doctor ASAP! Those numbers are quite high, but I have actually seen worse I have seen a child with a glucose number or 1000 and the child did die as a result of this, all the meter said was high it didn't even register, she did have blood work done at the hospital but it was to late. I hope he gets help he could live a healthy life then
