Sunday, October 23, 2011

Have You Ever Been On A Diet?

396545382 Did it work or did you quit soon after?

BQ: do you watch what you eat?


  1. Ms. Equine 馬 - It worked

    BQ: Yes

  2. Ava - I was on a diet at the beginning of the year, I did great for six months and lost 30 pounds which was my goal....However, I then got a little too relaxed in the fact that I was back to being skinny and them put back on ten pounds, that I'm now trying to get off! So, just remember that once you lose the weight you still have to work to keep it off!!

  3. William - Nope. I've tried to eat healthy though. lasted 2 days before I cracked lol.

    BQ: sometimes when I'm not doing exercise or going out I might think "how am I supposed to burn this off"

    then I *kanye shrug*



  4. khan - YES,and it really worked.
    BQ: yeah sure
