Friday, October 7, 2011

Does The Starvation Diet Work?

396545382 I know, I know, when I get back to eating "normally" I will have retained my previous lack of skillful, balanced eating and put the weight on again, but what if I somehow eat well afterwards, will the starvation work?


  1. Anirban - Starvation not work at all. You should go to a dietition and make a balance diet

  2. 123456789 - No, and plus it's really bad for your body. What you need to do, is regular snacks (HEALTHY snacks) during the day: breakfast (eat a lot), brunch (just a 10 o'clock snack), lunch (eat as much as you want), snack (4 o'clock, don't eat too much but keep it healthy), dinner (eat very healthy but much more little than lunch because during the night, you don't exercise so you will just get fatter), and if you need it a nice little snack in the middle of the night. Breakfast really should be a lot, helps you get your day started (and since it's the first "meal" of the day, you burn it all off but still get the energy from it). Remember though, no unhealthy snacks like chips or huge chocolate bars or infinite amounts of candies. You can instead eat a fruit (bananas give you A LOT of long-lasting energy in sugars but don't get you fat), cereal bar etc.. Really, don't do the starvation diet, as you said, you might get skinny but once you eat normally again, you will gain much more than the double of what you lost. Good luck :D
