Saturday, October 15, 2011

Do You Think I'm To Skinny?

396545382 i'm a girl ,16 years old i'm 5'10 and half and i weigh 55kg / 121lbs. You can see my ribs and stuff am i to skinny? i personally don't see it.


  1. Mohican Love Junk - It is tought to just judge by your height and weight without knowing how you are built. However, you may be underweight. You should consult with a doctor so they can let you know what your ideal weight should be.

  2. Orla C - Yes, you're way too thin.

  3. Ausha Gomez - I calculated your body mass index , and it says that you're a healthy but I'm guessing you're still skinny. Your body size is at the 14th percentile, so let's say the took a survey on body size and weight for your height you way more than 14 of them, but less than the rest. Your body mass index is 17.4 which is small.
