Friday, October 21, 2011

Do Sit Ups Only Train Your Abs Or Help You Lose Belly Fat As Well?



  1. freddy - Belly fat some, but running is much better. I'm going right now. Too bad we can't run together, I run 5 ks every other day and music is great, bt someone with yo even more.

  2. cdn_ash - Sit ups and crunches will help build a strong, defined core. However, if you don't do any cardio, all the situps in the world won't melt belly fat. There will just be a strong core underneath the belly. Cardio is essential for burning off fat, especially on the stubborn areas like the stomach.

  3. Scott - It builds muscle but doesn't aid much in abdominal weight loss. Actually the muscles will grow larger and push the fat out more making it look like you've gained weight.
