Saturday, October 22, 2011

Do I Have Hives? Urgent!!! Help!!!?

396545383 I had just went to throw the trash and the dumpster roof tops were closed so I had to open them. When I did, a liquid flowed down the rim, and then down my arm. I was totally grossed out and then a few seconds later it started "burning" my arm, the whole stream was burning or felt like it was so I quickly rushed home and washed it off. I used dish soap because it was the closest thing there was to soap. After washing and drying my arm off, the welts appeared, small at first, and then bigger. I went to put medicated oil on it and before the cooling started, I felt it itching and it still is. I want to know if I have hives, because I'm scared if it spreading all over my body. My bro told me that it was just the dirty stuff and it'll go away by tomorrow. So do I have hives? Or am I overreacting?


  1. babe - your
    stop panicing
    be ok

  2. Human - HI Lee
    You know the answer. You are over reacting. Hives are small blisters. If you had them you will be able to see them. Anyway you will not have any reaction now because you have taken all the correct steps. You have washed off the substance to which you were exposed.

  3. llama_llama - you will be ok. like the other guy said, you already washed off the thing that you were allergic to. just try not to ever, um, come in contact with that mystery liquid again

  4. Paige - Hives are a sudden skin rash. Usually a result of an allergic reaction your body had, usually to food, medication, your environment and sometimes even stress.

    Allergic reactions are basically your body's version of friendly fire, your body is defending itself against a non-enemy. Your body's weapon of choice for this battle is histamines.

    Your body releases histamines in order to fight against what it thinks is the enemy. When your body over reacts and too many histamines build up in one spot you end up with what's known as hives.

    Hives usually spread around the torso, upper thighs, and arms. It's very rare to have hives appear around the head or neck area.

    Some things you will want to do to start getting relief from the discomfort of hives are:

    * Avoid scratching the affected areas - although it can drive you crazy, scratching your hives will only make it worse.
    * Stay away from alcohol
    * Avoid tight fitting clothing - the pressure on the skin will just intensify the urge to scratch
    * If the affected area is only in one small area you can apply ice wrapped in a towel to the area to relieve the discomfort.
    * Taking cool showers or baths will also help with the itching
    * Take an antihistamine to relieve the itching and eventually reduce the swelling

    Typically, antihistamines such as Benadryl are taken to treat allergic reactions. The problem with using products like Benadryl is that they also include some not so pleasant side effects.

    In this case the side effects include dizziness, drowsiness, coordination problems, heartburn, insomnia, tremor, nausea and vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, dry mouth, and dry cough and others.

    I think you will find the natural or homeopathic alternatives to be more favorable since they go to work without causing drowsiness or any of the other negative side effects.

    Often times nature has a fix for the ailments we have, the problem is we've been trained to believe that they don't work.
