Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Do Bowel Cancer Symptoms Come And Go?

396545116 I am experiencing symptoms of bowel cancer such as abdominal pain, change in bowel habits, anaemia and I have seen a doctor. The real question I want to know is do the symptoms especially abdominal pain come and go? I have some periods of up to a week where i experience no pain, then it returns again. I also get a huge amount of gas and bloating. Is gas and flatulence a symptom of cancer? The cause of my symptoms is being investigated.


  1. ChemoAngel - Sounds more like a classic case of IBS. Very Common. No, that is not a sign of cancer.

  2. Cancer Research UK - Hello Jamie,

    Waiting for tests and investigations can be very stressful and so I can appreciate why you have questions to ask about what might be wrong. But until you have had the investigations and the results are available it is not possible for anyone to tell you what the matter is.

    But it may be helpful to know that bowel symptoms that come and go are often related to Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). This is a very common condition which affects many people at sometime in their life. But it is only possible to diagnose IBS through taking a through medical history and carrying out tests. So your doctor is doing the right thing in sending you for investigations and hopefully this will rule out anything serious.

    Disclaimer: We hope this general information is helpful. For any specific queries we recommend you seek independent professional advice. See the full Yahoo! Answers disclaimer here:
