Saturday, October 8, 2011

Did I Fracture My Finger?

396545382 ok so today i was playing football and i was soo happy cause i scored 3 touchdowns by throwing the ball. im horrible at catching so when i tried to catch the ball, it bent my finger and it hurt all day and i couldnt move it that much. now, 7 hours later it still hurts and just as im typeing its hurting and feels numb. when i move it its like i cant move it anymore because of some pressure thingy. So basically when i bend my pinky down i cant bend it all the way because it wont let me.

Btw its my pinky. and its swollen
what should i do?


  1. Kaji Moss - Im pretty sure you jammed it. If you fractured it I dont think you could just walk the pain off all day.

  2. Zolo - It's probably not broken; you'll be able to tell if you search online. You might want to talk to an older person about it though and ask because otherwise you might forget
