Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Can I Have A Tooth Extracted While Taking A Daily 81mg Of Aspirin?

396545381 i have a heart arrhythmia and have been taking low dose aspirin for the last six months on the advice of a doctor..i now need a wisdom tooth extracted and the dentist thinks i should stop taking the aspirin for 5 days before the procedure because of excess bleeding however i am more worried about having a stroke if i stop taking it.............any thoughts?


  1. Jimmy - Your dentist has more medical knowledge in his little toe than you have in your whole body! Listen to him.

  2. Will - I would say you should be fine with such a low dose. bear in mind you can take 1000mg in some water for a headache, 81 shouldn't make too much difference. he should know the precautions to take, take him your INR numbers. If you dont know what these are then you will definitely be ok :) . He should have surgicel and other things that you can pack a socket with to stop it bleeding.
    personally i would be more concerned about the adrenaline in the anaesthetic and your heart problems, but again this isn't a problem if you use the right anaesthetic.

  3. Eduardo - you should consult with your general doctor that you need a wisdom tooth removed and that your dentist told you to stop taking your aspirin ,or have your dentist consult with your doctor to see if its possible for you to stop taking the medicine without having any side effect towards your health ..
