Friday, October 21, 2011

Bone Scan - Vertebrae?

396545116 I have had pain (Similar to a kink) in my neck three time over the last month and a half. My doctor sent me to get X-Rays, which showed a "bone island" on vertebrae C4. I went in for a bone scan yesterday and saw the image after the scan was complete. Some of the isotope showed up off of my spine, in my neck area. It sort of looked like a couple lines. Any idea what this could be? I have to wait until tomorrow at the earliest for the results and am freaking out. I'm hoping old injury and not cancer....


  1. J B - White streaking is often the sign of new bone formation - often at the location of a previous injury. I would not be freaking out about this. Cancer is probably not even a consideration if your physician has not ordered any blood work prior to this scan.

  2. Moderate Somber - It is unlikely. There are many scars and even tumors can be benign.
