Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Blood Spots That Are Tiny?

396545389 I have tiny red blood spots on my skin they don't hurt there's one in the corner of my eye on my hands and arms I was just wondering what they are from they are not like blood pimples either I can just see them their not raised


  1. Belle - They're just caused by an injury to a blood vessel under the skin, where a tiny amount of blood leaked out before the bleeding stopped. Sometimes they're re-absorbed by the body, sometimes not. They're nothing to worry about though, not unless you're getting a whole rash of them over you for no reason. I get them pretty easily, even pressing down on my leg when i'm leaning on it with my elbow or something, the skin around your eye too is very sensitive to them. Often you won't remember what caused them, much like people don't remember how they got a bruise. When i had them i noticed my dad had one on his arm, and his was even bigger than mine, so i think there's a genetic factor involved that can make you prone. Also I get them more when I've taken ibuprofen or a pain killer, I know ibuprofen thins the blood meaning it's even easier to get them. Getting a couple here and there isn't a health concern, just a bit alarming if you don't know what they are.

  2. DC - A blood vessel injury, perhaps?
