Thursday, October 6, 2011

Any Suggestions Of Low Calorie But High Good Cholesterol Foods?

396545384 So last week I went to the doctor because I randomly fainted and so they tested my blood for everything. I got my results back and although my bad cholesterol was very low, so was my good cholesterol levels. They think this is caused by the low amounts of fats I eat overall (not by eating unhealthy because I am 117ish pounds, muscular and eat very healthy.) This is a big issue because my family has had generations of diabetics. Anyways I need low calorie foods because I don't want to gain weight but they also need to be high in good cholesterol. Thanks
I walk two miles every day so it isn't that and I mean really low in calories like 100 or less thanks for the help anyways


  1. Abby - Fish, walnuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acids which can improve your cholesterol and are healthy foods. Exercise improves good cholesterol as well.

  2. Sara - The good cholesterol is made by your body, not found in foods.

    There are high cholesterol foods listed here:

    Fish is a heart healthy choice that is not high in calories.
    A single hard boiled egg will give you most of the RDA for cholesterol and is less that 100 calories.
