Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Mom Is Diagnosed With "mild Simple Cystic Hyperplasia Em" And "chronic Cervicitis" ... Is It Dangerous ?

My mom is diagnosed with "Mild Simple Cystic Hyperplasia Em" and "Chronic Cervicitis" and the report shows scanty bits of endometrium with proliferative glands with occasional glands mildly dilated.
It also shows two tiny bits of cx bx with mild chronic cervicitis ... Is it dangerous and precancerous stage ??? Does this leads to cancer ???


  1. J B - First, your mother should have asked her doctor these questions. She can still call her doctor and ask for an explanation as to her risk factors related to this diagnosis. Many times, this can clear up but only her doctor knows this for sure and she needs to ask.

  2. Dr.dhananjaya Bhupathi - the best person to say is any physician in Ur vicinity.

    PS:If satisfied/benefited with, inform others to browse ‘Yahoo Answers’ on any health issue
