Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bad Wisdom Tooth Pain, Help Me?

396545381 The last time I saw a dentist a few months ago he said they weren't an immediate issue, and now all of a sudden one of them is causing a lot of pain, I already told my mom, what should I do for the pain?


  1. sim - Hi there, sorry about the pain.

    Gargle using salt saline (NOT ALCOHOL!!!) . Heat some water , when the water begins to boil , add a spoon of salt - Let it cool a bit , but make sure it is warm. Gargle using this solution as many times as you can. This will heal the area of your gum that is being torn apart at the moment for the wisdom tooth to erupt. You may also want to keep this area clean- so use a Chlorhexidine mouth wash (make sure you are not allergic to chlorhexidine, although the chances of people being allergic is low). The other thing you can do is bite on a clove.

    All of above are only temporary measures for your pain relief. You should visit a dentist and get it checked- it might be that you have a part of your gums that has overgrown over the wisdom tooth and that your upper teeth are coming in contact with that area of gum (this can be extremely painful). Your dentist will also take an x-ray to see if there is enough space in your jaw for your tooth to erupt. If there isn't and it is causing you the pain. The innate force pushes it out for eruption, but at the same time if there is no space in the jaw - the tooth won't erupt but cause a lot of pain- the only choice is getting that tooth out! Good luck and keep us posted :)

  2. Neelabha - eruption of third molar, impaction, pericoronitis r some
    clinical case which can cause pain.

    dont panic
    Rx ---
    -- do mouth bath wid warm salty water 3 to 4times in a day for 7 days .
    -- painorid ------BD .

  3. MusicCrazy - Might sound stupid, but put toothpaste around the tooth that is hurting, for me that pain eased off for a good while, either that, or freezing cold water, i did that, but if you take the water off, it could come back worse, just keep putting water or toothpaste around the area, when i last had a toothache, i found no painkillers worked, then i got told to purchase some paramol i think its called, and them tablets worked for me really good, just read the guidelines because its easy to get addicted to them apparently!
