Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Are The Insanity Workouts Ok For Girls To Do Or Are They Too Hard?



  1. Laura-D - They are pretty nuts. buy i don't think they are too hard.
    If you are very overweight or very unfit then it would be silly to do this workout.
    You only do as much as you can do and work up to the rest otherwise you WILL injure yourself.

  2. Methodus - Im a guy and have the dvds. Yes its hard, it is designed to fit the name Insanity. There are an equal amount of women on the dvd as there are men.

    So to hard no but, you must listen to your body and stop when it says stop you can very easily overdo it with this program if you try to keep up when youre new.

    Its up to you to determine how hard or how easy it is. You dont have anyone but yourself for motivation.

  3. A.J. - Nothing is too hard for girls (unless you have some serious medical condition or are obese). If you've ever seen the insanity infommercials, you must have seen some girls doing some crazy workouts. Yeah its gonna be tough and you have to push your self, but you have to stay dedicated, eat healthy and don't give up!
