Sunday, October 9, 2011

Am I Really Anemic?!?

396545116 Well, my mum said she used to have anemia when she was a teen, but she said it was bc of stress ( my mum lost a lot of ppl and had a lot of family issues growing up) and her older sister died of luchemia, so low iron runs in our family.. But i havent really been eating right since id say around April but its been on and off bc of stress, and ive been eating perfectly fine since the begining of Sept. Im usually weak and tired a lot, but ive been like that since the ending of 7th grade (im a 9th grader now) its just gotten worse over time.. My bestf thinks im anemic jus bc im always weak and tired and i get sick easily, but im not sure if its from stress, not eating right, sumtimes sleeping less then 8 hours or more, to me it could be alot of things but being anemic ends up coming back.. Idk if i am anemic then how can i make sure and how can i take care of myself?... Is it a big deal?


  1. Serene E - Well, it's not a big deal if you LIKE being tired all the time! Yes, sounds like you are.

  2. susanperr - If you go to a doctor he or she can do a blood test to determine if you are in fact anemic. You should go to find out for sure and not just guess. If you are, the doctor can tell you the best way to treat it. Don't guess when all you have to do is get a blood test to find out for sure.

  3. TrueSnapdragon - Just to give you some background on anemia, it is not caused by stress. Also, anemia due to leukemia has a different cause than low iron, so your mom's anemia is not related to her sister's leukemia. Anemia does not literally mean low iron. Anemia is a lower than normal amount of red blood cells or lower than normal hemoglobin. Low iron can cause this, but so can many other things. Iron deficiency anemia is only one kind of anemia. Lack of vitamin B12, chronic bleeding, underlying chronic disease, over hydration, some medications, and more can be causes of anemia.

    If you think you might be anemic, you should see your doctor. A simple blood test will determine if you are anemic. Further blood work can determine what is causing your anemia, if you are anemic.

    It's not something you can take care of by yourself, because you don't know if you are anemic, and if you are, you don't know what's causing it.
